Wednesday 10 September 2008

'Yes, it hit me with the orange end...'

What a summer it has been. Cornwall was, as always, the best two weeks of my year. This year, however, came with the added bonuses of extra added circus kids, new equipment, and quite a spectacular new injury.
So, first things first, as the 'Trewan Crew', we gained an extra diaboloist (Sp?), who was lovely and pretty decent, skill-wise.
The new equipment came in the form of Matt's new fire staff and his knackered, spray painted fire diabolo. SO, the first night was spent running around in the dark trying to find somewhere off site to set things alight, and not get thrown out by the elusive Matt Hill. Needless to say, this failed epically, we got very muddy, nettled and wet. The next night, Jack bit the bullet and went straight to the owner of the site, who, at, I'm sure, about 83, said we could use the main field, as long as we didn't tell people to sod off if they came to watch. This was fine with the show-offs (here's looking at you Mr Butterworth) and, strangely, he didn't seem to bothered about the potential to set things on fire...
So followed many nights of fire circus, without too many major incidents (I'm not even going to go into the 'gay chicken' mishap), until the night Tom left to go home, and I decided I wanted to increase my fire staff skills. Completed one neck contact spin with no problems, but one end went out. Fine, let's resoak it says me. Tried it again, and, well, let's just say I held it in the wrong place and Jack happened to be filming it...