Tuesday 3 June 2008

Muddled Up Arms

Just a quick update and brag is called for I feel, as I now have a week of guilt-free juggling ahead of me. I finished exams yesterday, so I know I can juggle freely without feeling as though I really should be doing something else. I can also get away with more drops, as nobody's in the house to tell me to shut up.
Alas, back to the grindstone on Monday, so I will have to make the most of it.

However, in the last, say, half an hour, I have managed to finally grasp Mills' Mess, after having to look it up because I was sure it was too good to be true and I was getting it wrong. I have also managed to get my clockwise Windmill down to a half-decent height, and lose the eratic pattern it had fallen into, and made a start on anti-clockwise. By the end of the week I hope to get that down to a less violent and dangerous speed and height, and also try and start on Chops.

I also realised, a week or so ago, after reading Tom's blog on the neglection of simplicity, that, although my Mills' Mess and Windmill were almost getting there, I couldn't do a simple underarm throw with my left hand, thus stunting my development regarding Chops and a decent Mills' Mess. So, having spent several hours practising underarm throws, I think I'm getting there.